How Sangam Restaurant Delivers Food to its 3 Distant Houston Suburbs?
The Challenge
Sangam Chetinad is an Indian Restaurant specializing in dishes from the state of Tamil Nadu. It is located in the west side of Houston, Texas. They wished to deliver food to 3 distant, but adjacent suburbs: Katy, Pearland and Cypress. Traditional on-demand delivery services won’t work, as these neighborhoods too far. Here is how, FoodALot solved this challenge.
Our Solution
FoodALot gave a solution that allows batching of orders, so that the restaurant cook a bunch of orders and a driver can take all the bags and deliver sequentially to their homes.
First, we implemented a cut-off time logic, so that no one can place an order after 6 pm. Then, we added a logic that allowed delivery to addresses within certain radius, from more than one city centers. This allowed Sangam restaurant to deliver to homes within 4 miles of Katy, Pearland and Cypress neighborhoods.